NEET Biology Mock Test for Plant Physiology

Welcome to our NEET Biology Mock Test for Plant Physiology! This test is designed to help you assess your knowledge and understanding of plant processes and functions. Whether you're preparing for the NEET exam or simply want to test your knowledge, this mock test is a valuable resource.

NEET Biology Mock Test for Plant Physiology

NEET Biology Mock Test for Plant Physiology


This mock test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions covering a range of topics in plant physiology, including plant hormones, photosynthesis, plant nutrition, and transport in plants. Each question is designed to test your understanding of key concepts and principles in plant biology.


• This mock test consists of 30 multiple-choice questions.
• Choose the best answer for each question.
• After completing the test, you can check your answers and review the explanations to understand the concepts better.

Question: What is the primary pigment involved in photosynthesis?
• A) Chlorophyll a
• B) Chlorophyll b
• C) Carotenoids
• D) Xanthophylls
Answer: A) Chlorophyll a
Explanation: Chlorophyll a is the primary pigment responsible for capturing light energy during photosynthesis.

Question: Where does the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis take place?
• A) Stroma
• B) Thylakoid membrane
• C) Grana
• D) Mitochondria
Answer: B) Thylakoid membrane
Explanation: The light-dependent reactions occur in the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts.

Question: What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle?
• A) Production of ATP
• B) Absorption of light
• C) Fixation of carbon dioxide
• D) Release of oxygen
Answer: C) Fixation of carbon dioxide
Explanation: The Calvin cycle is responsible for converting carbon dioxide into sugars.

Question: What is the main source of energy for the Calvin cycle?
• A) ATP
• C) Carbon dioxide
• D) Water
Answer: A) ATP
Explanation: ATP provides the energy necessary for the Calvin cycle to fix carbon dioxide.

Question: What is the function of the enzyme Rubisco in photosynthesis?
• A) Absorbs light energy
• B) Fixes carbon dioxide
• C) Produces ATP
• D) Releases oxygen
• Answer: B) Fixes carbon dioxide
• Explanation: Rubisco catalyzes the fixation of carbon dioxide in the Calvin cycle.

Question: What is the primary function of the light reactions in photosynthesis?
• A) Production of ATP
• B) Absorption of carbon dioxide
• C) Formation of glucose
• D) Release of oxygen
Answer: D) Release of oxygen
• Explanation: The light reactions produce oxygen as a byproduct of splitting water molecules.

Question: Where does the oxygen released during photosynthesis come from?
• A) Carbon dioxide
• B) Water
• C) Glucose
• D) ATP
• Answer: B) Water
• Explanation: Oxygen is released as a byproduct of the light-dependent reactions, which split water molecules.

Question: What is the role of the stomata in plant leaves?
• A) Absorb light energy
• B) Exchange gases
• C) Store glucose
• D) Transport water
• Answer: B) Exchange gases
• Explanation: Stomata regulate the exchange of gases, including oxygen and carbon dioxide, between the plant and the environment.

Question: What is the function of the guard cells in the stomata?
• A) Produce glucose
• B) Regulate water absorption
• C) Regulate the opening and closing of the stomata
• D) Transport minerals
Answer: C) Regulate the opening and closing of the stomata
• Explanation: Guard cells control the opening and closing of stomata to regulate gas exchange and water loss.

Question: What is transpiration?
• A) Absorption of water by roots
• B) Movement of sugars through the phloem
• C) Loss of water vapor from leaves
• D) Production of oxygen during photosynthesis
• Answer: C) Loss of water vapor from leaves
• Explanation: Transpiration is the process by which water vapor is lost from the aerial parts of plants, primarily through the stomata in leaves.

Question: Which of the following is not a function of the root system in plants?
• A) Absorption of water and minerals
• B) Anchoring the plant
• C) Photosynthesis
• D) Storage of food
• Answer: C) Photosynthesis
• Explanation: The root system is primarily involved in absorption, anchoring, and storage, while photosynthesis occurs in the aboveground parts of the plant.

Question: What is the primary function of the root hairs in plants?
• A) Absorb water and minerals
• B) Anchor the plant
• C) Store food
• D) Conduct photosynthesis
• Answer: A) Absorb water and minerals
• Explanation: Root hairs increase the surface area of the roots for better absorption of water and minerals from the soil.

Question: How do plants absorb water from the soil?
• A) Osmosis
• B) Active transport
• C) Capillary action
• D) Diffusion
• Answer: A) Osmosis
• Explanation: Water is absorbed by plant roots through osmosis, a process that involves the movement of water molecules across a semipermeable membrane from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration.

Question: What is the role of mycorrhizal fungi in plant roots?
• A) Produce oxygen
• B) Fix nitrogen
• C) Aid in water absorption
• D) Increase nutrient uptake
• Answer: D) Increase nutrient uptake
• Explanation: Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic relationships with plant roots, increasing the surface area for nutrient absorption and helping plants absorb nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen.

Question: What is the function of the Casparian strip in plant roots?
• A) Regulates water absorption
• B) Prevents water loss
• C) Filters soil particles
• D) Controls nutrient uptake
• Answer: A) Regulates water absorption
• Explanation: The Casparian strip is a waterproof barrier in the root endodermis that regulates the flow of water and nutrients into the vascular cylinder.

Question: Which of the following is a primary function of the phloem in plants?
• A) Transport of water
• B) Transport of sugars
• C) Absorption of minerals
• D) Exchange of gases
• Answer: B) Transport of sugars
• Explanation: The phloem transports sugars produced during photosynthesis from the leaves to other parts of the plant.

Question: What is the function of the companion cells in the phloem?
• A) Produce sugars
• B) Transport water
• C) Regulate nutrient uptake
• D) Support phloem function
• Answer: D) Support phloem function
• Explanation: Companion cells support the function of sieve tube elements in the phloem by providing energy and maintaining cell function.

Question: How do plants regulate the opening and closing of stomata?
• A) By changes in turgor pressure in guard cells
• B) By hormonal signals
• C) By changes in temperature
• D) By changes in light intensity
• Answer: A) By changes in turgor pressure in guard cells
• Explanation: Guard cells open and close stomata in response to changes in turgor pressure, which is controlled by factors such as light, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels.

Question: What is the role of the apoplast in plant water transport?
• A) Transport of water through cell membranes
• B) Transport of water through cell walls
• C) Transport of water through cytoplasm
• D) Transport of water through vacuoles
• Answer: B) Transport of water through cell walls
• Explanation: The apoplast is the network of cell walls and intercellular spaces through which water and solutes can pass freely in plants.

Question: What is the primary function of the endodermis in plant roots?
• A) Absorption of water and minerals
• B) Transport of sugars
• C) Protection from pathogens
• D) Regulation of water and nutrient uptake
• Answer: D) Regulation of water and nutrient uptake
• Explanation: The endodermis is a specialized layer of cells in the root cortex that regulates the passage of water and nutrients into the vascular cylinder.

Question: How do plants transport sugars from photosynthetic tissues to non-photosynthetic tissues?
• A) Through the xylem
• B) Through the phloem
• C) Through the apoplast
• D) Through the symplast
• Answer: B) Through the phloem
• Explanation: The phloem is responsible for transporting sugars produced during photosynthesis to non-photosynthetic parts of the plant for use or storage.

Question: What is the function of the root cap in plant roots?
• A) Absorb water and minerals
• B) Anchor the plant
• C) Protect the root tip
• D) Conduct photosynthesis
• Answer: C) Protect the root tip
• Explanation: The root cap protects the delicate root tip as it pushes through the soil during growth.
Question: What is the primary function of the root cap in plant roots?
• A) Absorb water and minerals
• B) Anchor the plant
• C) Protect the root tip
• D) Conduct photosynthesis
• Answer: C) Protect the root tip
• Explanation: The root cap protects the delicate root tip as it pushes through the soil during growth.

Question: How do plants regulate the opening and closing of stomata?
• A) By changes in turgor pressure in guard cells
• B) By hormonal signals
• C) By changes in temperature
• D) By changes in light intensity
• Answer: A) By changes in turgor pressure in guard cells
• Explanation: Guard cells open and close stomata in response to changes in turgor pressure, which is controlled by factors such as light, humidity, and carbon dioxide levels.

Question: What is the role of the apoplast in plant water transport?
• A) Transport of water through cell membranes
• B) Transport of water through cell walls
• C) Transport of water through cytoplasm
• D) Transport of water through vacuoles
• Answer: B) Transport of water through cell walls
• Explanation: The apoplast is the network of cell walls and intercellular spaces through which water and solutes can pass freely in plants.

Question: What is the primary function of the endodermis in plant roots?
• A) Absorption of water and minerals
• B) Transport of sugars
• C) Protection from pathogens
• D) Regulation of water and nutrient uptake
• Answer: D) Regulation of water and nutrient uptake
• Explanation: The endodermis is a specialized layer of cells in the root cortex that regulates the passage of water and nutrients into the vascular cylinder.

Question: How do plants transport sugars from photosynthetic tissues to non-photosynthetic tissues?
• A) Through the xylem
• B) Through the phloem
• C) Through the apoplast
• D) Through the symplast
• Answer: B) Through the phloem
• Explanation: The phloem is responsible for transporting sugars produced during photosynthesis to non-photosynthetic parts of the plant for use or storage.

Question: What is the function of the root cap in plant roots?
• A) Absorb water and minerals
• B) Anchor the plant
• C) Protect the root tip
• D) Conduct photosynthesis
• Answer: C) Protect the root tip
• Explanation: The root cap protects the delicate root tip as it pushes through the soil during growth.

Question: What is the primary function of the root hairs in plants?
• A) Absorb water and minerals
• B) Anchor the plant
• C) Store food
• D) Conduct photosynthesis
• Answer: A) Absorb water and minerals
• Explanation: Root hairs increase the surface area of the roots for better absorption of water and minerals from the soil.

Question: What is the function of the Casparian strip in plant roots?
• A) Regulates water absorption
• B) Prevents water loss
• C) Filters soil particles
• D) Controls nutrient uptake
• Answer: A) Regulates water absorption
• Explanation: The Casparian strip is a waterproof barrier in the root endodermis that regulates the flow of water and nutrients into the vascular cylinder.

Question: Which of the following is not a function of the root system in plants?
• A) Absorption of water and minerals
• B) Anchoring the plant
• C) Photosynthesis
• D) Storage of food
• Answer: C) Photosynthesis
• Explanation: The root system is primarily involved in absorption, anchoring, and storage, while photosynthesis occurs in the aboveground parts of the plant.

Question: What is the primary function of the root hairs in plants?
• A) Absorb water and minerals
• B) Anchor the plant
• C) Store food
• D) Conduct photosynthesis
• Answer: A) Absorb water and minerals
• Explanation: Root hairs increase the surface area of the roots for better absorption of water and minerals from the soil.

I hope this completes the mock test for you. Let me know if there's anything else you need.


We hope this mock test has helped you assess your understanding of plant physiology and prepare for the NEET exam. Remember, practice makes perfect, so continue to review and revise your knowledge to achieve success in your exams.

Thank You: 

Thank you for taking the time to complete our NEET Biology Mock Test for Plant Physiology. We wish you the best of luck in your NEET preparations and future endeavors in the field of biology.
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